American Airlines, America's leading airline...presents:

"Music 'Til Dawn" was an all night classical music radio program sponsored by American Airlines from 1953 to 1970. The most single memorable element of the program was the theme music, variations on the tune "That's All," arranged for orchestra by Sy Mann. Here is the original in its complete form which was used on the hour through the night, variation by variation, to mark off the segments. The dramatic ending came usually at 5:59 the following morning. The recording was taken from an early "Music 'Til Dawn" lp release, ca. 1960.

"American Airlines, America's leading airline, presents 'Music 'til Dawn'..." - Hugh Lampman on KRLD, Dallas, the home base for American...

In Washington, D.C. hosts were Hal Stepler,  [photo left], ------------------

Don Boothman, Terry Hourigan, Lee Shepherd all at various times on WTOP 1500kc in the 1950'sand 1960's. As a teenager in suburban Philadelphia I would tune in Hal Stepler as the 50kw signal of WTOP boomed into our area at night.

John Doremus, Jim LaBarbara and Pete Manchikes 'Matthews' (from 1957 until 1966), WLW 700kc Cincinnati; Bob Hall, WCBS, NYC; Jay Andres, WBBM 780kc Chicago; Bill Cherry, WWL 870kc, New Orleans (1958) Ken Ackerman, KCBS San Francisco. 
LATER THEME was used on the stations...A release of "That's All" by the Tony Acquaviva Orchestra (LIBERTY LP ?)...MORE in beautiful music radio notes from Richard O'Connor linked HERE