"The LIVING STRINGS" had many different arrangers and conductors released on the RCA CAMDEN label. Most of the Living Strings recordings were never released on CD. Some of the arrangers were Bernard Ebbinghouse and Johnny Douglas. RCA producer Ethel Gabriel worked on the Melachrino Strings' "Moods in Music" series and developed The Living Strings as a package for RCA's budget label, Camden. The Living Strings were an unbilled European symphony--the Oslo Symphony at first, later the BBC and London symphonies--and the albums are all centered around a theme: the sea, the West, Broadway, night music. In England, Johnny Douglas was the primary arranger and conductor for the series, but Hill Bowen, Bob Sharples, and Geraldo made frequent contributions.
Living Strings Collection: the Spirit of Christmas[LP Record] Living Strings Plus Two Pianos

Play Music from Hawaii - Vinyl LP Record